Alright folks, get ready to learn about a guy who's been running China since 2012. Give it up for Xi Jinping! *cue applause*
Now, Xi Jinping wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Sure, his dad was a former Chinese vice-premier and revolutionary leader, but Xi Jinping still had to deal with some serious challenges growing up in a country going through major changes under Mao Zedong's leadership. I'm talking about the Cultural Revolution, where he was even sent to the countryside for re-education. That's like being grounded, but way worse.
But Xi Jinping didn't let that get him down. Nope, he pursued a career in politics and climbed the ranks of the Communist Party of China (CPC), serving as governor of Fujian province and party secretary of Zhejiang province. And in 2012, he was appointed as the General Secretary of the CPC, taking over from Hu Jintao.
Now, Xi Jinping is known for being a strong and decisive leader. He's cracked down on corruption, pushed for economic reforms, and taken a more assertive stance on foreign policy. China has become more active in global affairs under his watch, folks.
So there you have it, folks. Xi Jinping, the man, the myth, the leader of China. *mic drop*